No other product provides this much protection for your boat and water gear. Use Aerospace Protectant to keep your boat’s seats, sails, hull and windows colorful and clean. Marine Aerospace Protectant is a premium protectant designed to safeguard boats and boat equipment against the damaging effects of daily exposure to UV rays. It’s safe for use on outdoor gear and apparel, too.
Simply spray on and wipe dry to restore color and luster, repel stains and prevent fading even in the harshest marine conditions and sunniest climates. Aerospace Marine will even help keep fishing gear clean and prevent inflatable boats from sticking together during storage. And because it’s 100% free of grease-producing silicone oils and petroleum distillates, Aerospace is safe to use on all your outdoor materials - vinyl, rubber, fiberglass and more.
No other protectant beautifies as intensely or preserves as powerfully. Keep your boat, water sport equipment and outdoor gear shiny season after season.
Powerful UV blockers prevent fading, cracking and premature aging
Ideal for - Hypalon inflatable boats, wet/dry suits, tires, side-out seals, RV EDPM rubber roofing, helmets, visors, and goggles. Not for use on unfinished leathers (such as suede), fabrics (canvas), floorings, clear plastics, gauge panels or headlights.
Dries to a clear matte finish
Restores lost color and luster
Easy to use - Simply spray on and wipe dry
Safe and effective for vinyl, Plexiglas®, carbon fiber, rubber, plastics and finished leather
Made in the U.S.A.
*Sold as an Individual
WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Ethylbenzene which is known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Ethylene Glycol which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
Type: Corrosion Protection
Box Dimensions: 4"H x 7"W x 11"L WT: 8.1 lbs
UPC: 082043003705
Shipping We provide Free Shipping on all orders, above $100.00. We take care to ship your items on the same day if the order is received by 5:00 PM. Items are delivered usually in 2 to 4 working days in the US.
Returns Free 30-day return policy, which means you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a refund.
When we have received your order, you will automatically receive an email confirming your order. Orders made before 5 PM ET will be picked, packed and shipped the same day. Delivery time is usually 2-4 working days.
Can I exchange or return my item?
If you want to exchange a product for another model, strap color, Etc., please contact us so we are able to reserve the new item in our stock immediately. You can also buy the new product that you want while initiating a return on the item(s) you do not want. You are always entitled to an exchange or refund within 30 days after you have received your package, as long as the item has not been used.
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